Tips to keep your Paytm Payments Bank account safe

Man in the Middle

Man-In-The-Middle Fraud is a crime where an unauthorized third party obtains a consumer’s or business’s sensitive data as it is being sent over the Internet. This fraud can be accomplished fairly easily over an unsecured network, such as public WiFi, or a poorly protected home network.

How does one commit it?

You could become a victim of man-in-the-middle fraud if a criminal steals your login credentials when you log in to your bank account through an unsecured wireless network. Criminals can also set up fake public WiFi networks that innocent users then log onto and send data over. Later, with your login name and password, the thief can clean out your bank account.

How to save myself from man in the middle?


  • Set a unique password for your wallet which is not used anywhere
  • Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi


  • Don’t log in to password-protected websites that contain sensitive information when using a public Wi-Fi connection
  • Always use complex passwords, preferably a combo of alphabets, numbers and special characters.
  • Change your passwords at regular intervals